This has the makings of a really good
year, but I am left with some items I really do need to move,
so I feel I need to pass the savings along to you and purge my
inventory of slow items.
Sage has discontinued SLT and is in the process of replacing TCR with TCX, so I am closing out the following rods, which I have in stock and ready to ship.
TCR, 9' 6 wt four piece rod, my regular price, $725, close outprice $525.
SLT, 8'9" 3 wt four piece rod, my regualar price, $565, closeout price $465 SOLD
SLT, 8'6" 5 wt four piece rod, my regular price, $585, closeout price $485 SOLD
SLT, 9' 5 wt four piece rod, my regular price, $585, closeout price $485 SOLD
SLT, 9' 8 wt five piece rod, my regular price, $595, closeout price $495
$18 for domestic shipping in addition to the rod price. Payment by confirmed address Paypal payment will get the rod right off to you.
Just click
the Paypal link below and it will open your mail client to make the payment to my account.
Above prices are plus shipping. To
order or for more information call or email me at the addresses
Dave Lewis
Performance Fly Rods
5798 Singers Glen Rd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
540/867-0856 Phone
E-mail: MaryLuRods@gmail.com