Sage TXL Blank Rods
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Though probably the big news for 2005 is the introduction of two entry level series of rods from Sage, they haven't neglected the high end rods. New this year is the TXL series of super light, shorter fly rods missing from their rod lines since the demise of the SPL series four years ago. These new rods are constructed of their Generation 5 super light, super high strain graphite layups pioneered last year with the Xi2 Saltwater rods. You will notice the smaller diameter, gently tapered blanks that they have developed for this line in line weights from the new industry ground breaking 00 weight to two models of 4 wts. You can see on my
Prices page that I am including five models in my lineup.

As with my other rods, Mary Lu sews the rod bags. We use a
wonderfully plush velour fabric. The bags are several inches longer
than the rods enabling the top to fold down over the rest of the bag
keeping the sections from working out and rubbing against the
rod tube. Our rod cases are heavy anodized aluminum with gold
anodized caps and collars. They have my logo painted on the side
of the tube. I have been getting all my rod cases from Landmark
Component Company for many years. They are a good dependable
supplier and the owner, Ron Cilli, a native Western Pennsylvanian,
like myself, has become a good friend like so many of my suppliers.
The TXL series of rods are my lightest fly rods. They are
a delicate touch like no others. I hope you will give them some careful consideration.
Performance Fly Rods
5798 Singers Glen Rd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Thank you for looking at my work. I hope you will give my rods some careful thought.