Sage TCR Blank Rods
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Sage Introduced the TCR - Technical Casting Rod - series of high performance fly rods in 2002. The blanks
became available for me to build this year. The whole series is limited to 9' four piece models in 5, 6, 8 and 9 wts. I am building the first three for stock and can do the 9 wt. on special order. With the passing of the RPL and SP series of high performance, fast action rods, so favored by aggressive casters for years, Sage was left with no answer to the customer who was looking for the highest performance fly rods currently available. Sage TCR rods are that answer. These rods are very fast action and extremely powerful for the given line weight. For the fisher lookingfor the ultimate in performance this is the Sage rod to choose. All that said, these are not stiff, nasty weapons that require a heavier line to make them work. Modern long taper fly lines, like the TCR Performance Taper Line, enable comfortable fishing distance casts with power in reserve to get out to that rising trout you could only dream of with lesser rods. I intend to fish a 5 wt for my western fishing this summer. I think it will be the perfect choice for the large terrestrial flies I use for the last two months of my summer's fishing. Nailing those big flies into stiff Montana winds should be a snap with the TCR rod.

Sage has gone to blank coatings that are translucent tints with
a tiny bit of metalic mixed in them, giving the rods a gleam
that defies description. They call the color of the TCR blanks,
Chilli Pepper. I am using deep reds and strong burnt oranges
with tan trim wraps to complement the blank colors. I think you'll
agree it is a striking combination.
Bob Venneri continues to do his wonderful nickel silver reel seats for me. I am using wood inserts
that favor warm reds and oranges with the TCR blank rods. These two are burled cherry. Bob's
craft is always elegant and a wonderful complement to my own.

Yes, I will be fitting the 8 wt. rod with my
special Struble pewter anodized saltwater
seat. There is no finer saltwater reel seat

As with my other rods, Mary Lu sews the rod bags. We use a
velvet like material, velour. The bags are several inches longer
than the rods enabling the top to fold down over the rest of the bag
keeping the sections from working out and rubbing against the
rod tube. Our rod cases are heavy anodized aluminum with gold
anodized caps and collars. They have my logo painted on the side
of the tube. I have been getting all my rod cases from Landmark
Component Company for many years. They are a good dependable
supplier and the owner, Ron Cilli, a native Western Pennsylvanian,
like myself, has become a good friend like so many of my suppliers.
The TCR series of rods are my most expensive rods. They are
a well qualified leader. I build no more capable or beautiful rods
than these. I hope you will give them some careful consideration.
Performance Fly Rods
5798 Singers Glen Rd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Thank you for looking at my work. I hope you will give my rods some careful thought.