Mary Lu is an artist and teacher. Several years ago
she did a small collection of pen and ink note card images which
she had printed up. We sold some of them at the many shows we
attend. The four images are below. We have all of them currently
available in packs of eight with eight envelopes. They are printed
on cream colored card stock with matching envelopes. These are
blank cards with only the image on the front. She calls them "Fish
Tales." They are available as one of a kind or in any combination
you desire. She sells them for $5.00 a pack plus $1.50 shipping.

Just order by name: Dry Fly, Muddler, Mayfly, and
Rainbow. I think you will enjoy them and surely your friends will
Fish Tales by Mary Lu
5798 Singers Glen Rd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802